Footer is one of those important items. In Footer, Footer Layout, Footer Style, Social Icons, Footer Section 1 Top & Bottom Padding, Footer Section 2 Top & Bottom Padding, Footer Top Border/Width/Color, Footer Widgets, Copyright Text, Scroll to Top, Footer Primary Color, Footer Secondary Color, TOTO Branding, Wordpress Branding.
In theme panel go to TOTO → Theme Options → Footer:
There is a button Reset . By clicking it will help you to reset all typography settings which you have change and it will reset to theme defaults typography options which are created by TOTO Theme.
1.Footer Layout: K9Themes allows you flexibility in footer section where you can set footer layout as Full Width and or Stretch
2.Footer Style: You can choose your style for footer from the list of style which is available under Footer style.
3.Footer Section 1 Top & Bottom Padding: The padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element.There are CSS properties for setting the padding for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left).This property is used for giving padding from Top & Bottom
4.Footer Section 2 Top & Bottom Padding:The padding clears an area around the content (inside the border) of an element.There are CSS properties for setting the padding for each side of an element (top, right, bottom, and left).This property is used for giving padding from Top & Bottom
5.Social Icons: Choose to show/hide social icons in a footer.
- Social Icons Style: We have plenty list of social icons style though you can choose which style you like to set in your footer.
- Tooltip: If like to show/hide mouseover tooltip.
- Tooltip Position: You can place your tooltip position as per your need.
6.Footer Top Border/Width/Color: Set-top border width size, color, and style of the border through this options.
7.Footer Widgets: TOTO Themes have options for flexibility in terms of columns where you can choose 4 column, 3 column, 2 column, 1 column or hide.
- Widget Header Style: Widget Header styles give options to choose how your heading will be shown in footer widget sections.
8.Copyright Text: TOTO themes allows you to set your OWN copyright text with your style.
9.Scroll to Top : Set your scroll style with following options Default, Sticky, Sticky on the scroll and Hide
10.Footer Primary Color: Set your primary section of footer colors for Background, Text, Link, Link Hover, and Heading Text Color
11.Footer Secondary Color: Set your secondary section of footer colors for Background, Text, Link, Link Hover, and Heading Text Color
12.Background Image: upload a background image if desired and set various background positions
13.TOTO Branding: You can control TOTO Theme Branding Link with this option just follow with On/Off
14.Wordpress Branding: Remove WordPress branding with just on/off button